Sunday, November 13, 2005

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday nights all right?!

Theres always a story when i got out drinking overseas. This is just one of them (someone tell me which TV show I've ripped that off?!):

Saturday night I went out for dinner with one of the students from work then we headed into town for a beer or three. Id seen a place that morning which said "Bar Pub" on the sign (unlike the rest which are all cafe sort of bars), so we thought we'd check it out. When we got there it was closed up but as we walked off the door opened and the guy yelled out at us to come in. Fair enough. Wandered in, grabbed a beer, looked around. The place was completely empty and seemed a bit weird. Why was there a little raised area, looked a bit small for a dancefloor. Why was there a mirrorball and spotlights on it when the rest of the place was pitchblack? And why was there a pole..... we'd wandered into the local strip club. No wonder the beers were 5 euros. And no wonder the guy was on the phone looking a bit frantic. Sculled beers, headed out (with the guy trying to make us stay by telling us the girls were on their way).

I nearly had bar choosing duties taken off me, but since the other guy was from out of town we went somewhere I knew was safe - the fake English bar. I'll describe this one in more detail another time, but in small towns they seem to be always run & staffed by one old guy, only ever have 4 people in them, smell funny, have way too much wood and strange seats and layouts (Im thinking the one in Ako as well). After that we tried to find a place for coffee, but wracked with indecision we ended up in the local nightclub (anyone actually believe that? cos its true).

All I can say is its very hard trying to drink two bartabs of 4 euros (otherwise its a 15 euro entry fee) when beers are 1.25e (Note to self: find a euro symbol on this computer!). If you lose the bar ticket - 60 euros to get out. Mightve been worth paying as it was the usual small town nightclub- everyone under 20 and too afraid to dance with, let alone talk to, someone of the opposite sex. We ran into a guy from work who'd been telling me all week that he knew all the girls (cos I need to be introduced to the local ones?!). All the time we were there he introduced me to one then he did a bunk and never came back. I spotted him hiding behind a pillar on the other side of the club half an hour later.....

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