Tuesday, April 04, 2006

You know you're in London when....

1. You get ripped off by a cabby.
First cab ride - "Oh you wanted the Holiday Inn Express. Thats different to the Holiday Inn. Dont worry its only 5 minutes away". Thats 5 minutes back the way we've just come, plus 5quid. Nice one my son.

2. You overhear the following:
"So you went out with the fast set on Saturday night?"
"No I was invited out with the fast set to go nightclubbing. Frankly I can't think of anything more repellant"

I cant put the right tones in there. Those who have overheard these sort of conversations will know what it sounded like. The fact you have to sneer at something you dont like or enjoy, not just say you dont like it, instead its "dull", "ghastly". Especially if its popular. The fact that anyone who did enjoy it would start feeling that something was wrong with them is of no consequence. Especially when within the next 5 minutes the couple talking admitted going to nightclubs in their youth.

Id forgotten how much the English question each other. I met up with a few Aussie mates in London and while we caught up with the news I dont think I could tell you about their lives in as much detail as this couple were talking. It took me the whole meal to work out they were a couple, which makes the half hour interrogation about his weekend prove my point. The English analyse each other in so much depth, make them justify their likes and dislikes or their decisions. It can be nice to get the chance to explain yourself, like me when you havent had so many opportunities to talk through your experiences with different people. But it can also be relentless and can make me very defensive depending on the person asking. I get asked a lot of questions in Portugal and am usually happy to explain our way of life but Ive noticed that I react when I feel the other person is making a judgement on Australia, or accusing us.

I certainly dont find the idea of clubbing or the fast set repellant. This was why I ended up stumbling round Hammersmith at 4am Sunday morning looking for something familiar. Another sign Billo's in a new town is getting absolutely hammered first night. A couple of beers with Paddy in a Fulham pub, then off to Sheperds Bush along with Raz, and a party somewhere with some people and very little memory except the fact I had a couple of Red Stripes. You'd think Id grow out of it at some stage wouldnt you?

Can't upload photos since Im in a BA lounge. Therefore I will leave the narrative for now. More when I have pictures to upload to break up the rant!

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