Monday, May 01, 2006

Las Praias do Alentejo

Sun, Sand, Sea and Sagres (or Sangria) on the beach are all good for Bills. Yes that red stuff is Sangria. I remember when I bagged anyone drinking wine cocktails/coolers. Now look at me. As for "What is lunch?" well this little piggy didn't come home from market....
Just to confuse everyone with my wacked out chronology this is what I did on my May Day. Well not entirely - I dont have photos of the marching drummers which woke me at 8am, or soundgrabs of the firecrackers that were being let off.

But then off to the beach. I know now where to go when homesick - those in Australia will think Ive just wandered up and down Scarborough. Except the toilet block there isnt white painted brick, not the bench ornate metal.

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