Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sardines and beer

I like it when the images tell the story better than I could describe it. Writing is hard enough usually but today my brain isn't working. Last night was the night of Saint Antonio's day and the tradition is to cook/eat a lot of sardines and have a big street party in the old quarter. Not that different to most weekends in Lisbon. You spend your night squeezing through narrow alleys or staggering up and down staircases with a mass of people passing by you, beer in hand and reeling from half a dozen sardines.

I do have a technical point to rant about though - a mate last night looked at my photos and said "Ah lots of yellow." However I prefer flash-less photos, to me they seem to have warmth and seem more natural whereas flash photos look artificial. So thats why you'll always get blurry yellow photos here. The blurriness is completely unrelated to alcohol.

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