How to desecrate a 1704 cannon
This weeks poll - which of the following photos is least respectful to a country's hisorical monuments or the worst use of an 18th Century cannon? As you can tell I had a friend from Australia over last week as only Aussies manage to do this sort of thing! Unfortunately his visit wasn't all fun and games as we were held up/mugged Tuesday night walking the streets after a good dinner, no harm done except losing a bit of cash and more the shock that it happened in Evora not a rougher area.
More photos and stories to put up later since I've spent this weekend digitising orebody interpretations - you know its time to call it a night when MTV sinks as far as "The making of Paris Hilton's album". For the non-geologists this weeks lesson is how to construct a resource model - the lines below outline the area predicted to have more than 1gram/tonne gold, which can then be made into a 3D model and then the total tonnage/gold content calculated (and a mine designed to extract it).
1 comment:
Eeek, Bill! Am v. sorry to hear that. Hope you hung on to your mobile & weren't hurt, & will ring soon. If only you'd had the canon with you...
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