Wednesday, January 17, 2007


For every bit of happy news it seems there must also be some sad. No words for a mate departed: even if they reach you you must've had your reasons, theres still the disbelief that someone who enjoyed experiencing as much as he could would stop before he experienced it all, someone who enjoyed meeting people so much would prefer to stay alone. Thoughts are more with those there today, those who remain, searching for clues from a look in a photo, words once spoken or written, wondering why and what now. What now should be to live life the way he did not the way he passed - happy, taking every opportunity, no regrets, letting his memory live in what we do with our lives.

Times like these you wonder whether it's so great being so far away.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's difficult to comment on when I didn't know him so well, and know even less about the circumstances that brought him to this final choice. All I can really comment on is the effect his absence will have on those who loved him, or found inspiration in his unconventional life. He will be missed sorely.