Saturday, July 07, 2007

So an update...

Hmmm it's been a while since I posted. Sorry people. But on trying to think what I've been up to I can't come up with much new, or different, or interesting to share with you. Just life. But that in itself is interesting since it all happens against the backdrop of Portugal, the Alentejo, Lisbon. Normal things like going to the shops, the movies or out for a coffee or lunch/dinner have their own slight "flavour" in each town, each country.

Well a couple of things have changed at least. Firstly I've got older in the last couple of weeks. And secondly I got a girl-shaped present for my birthday which was the best present of all. Unfortunately BA/AP are still learning the concept that people and luggage travel together and decided that they only had to deliver Bry to Lisbon, which meant that I spent too much of my birthday shopping for girl's clothes instead of ..... ah hell I didn't want to do anything special anyway! Just complaining for the sake of it! Joerg was also over for a few days so we had a great time sharing the tastes of Portugal with him - fat-free salads, organic breads and freshly squeezed juices. Not.

Since then I've been flat out with work including the first visit from the new bosses and trying to get some rigs in the country and drilling, but also trying to make time to get Bry settled in and show her some of her new country. Of course that's another "flavour" added to my life now and it's been really nice - the master of understatement I know but nice, comfortable, normal just shows me how special things are as well as how much my life hasn't been normal, how hard it has been at times. As normal I'm not going to let you all know exactly how I feel but life is good at the moment, and for a change there's no separations on the horizon.

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