Thursday, August 03, 2006


I take a lot of photos as anyone who's met up with me after/during a trip and been subjected to a viewing will attest. I tend to observe while I travel, not neccessarily research information to write with. One of the hardest things about this blog is only posting 5 or so from each place, also selecting/sizing them so you can see whats in them without them killing your computer (LJ has a cut, why not blogger?!).

So I now have
my own Flickr page (link also on sidebar). Most of the photos are from when I first arrived as I've already hit my limit of 200 free photos and am toying with my options. I have issues with paying people to host my photos when I'm pretty sure I could make that happen for free, but I don't like being restricted in the number of photos or people missing out on photos/slideshows when they're replaced by newer ones.

Over to you. My decision will largely rest on how much people look at them, what feedback I get (here, there, email) and people's preferences about seeing hundreds in person versus viewing of dozens in your own time.

People pictures will remain friends-only so if you want to see them you'll need a Flickr/Yahoo ID. By the way I have Skype now too so anyone who wants to chat can email me their username.

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