You've seen the historic side now the other side (literally since its across the river). The Neustadt has become the "old town" in a way since it has no tourist arcades or big reconstruction, instead the dingy 19th century grid pattern remains along with post-communist graffiti. The snow masked most of the greyness but it was still there.For fashion spotters Germany is always fun - its not fashion or chic its about self-expression and trying to be radical while getting allowed back home at the end of the night! For this season camouflage outfits are the new black and the white-backed winter camouflage could be the new white (well maybe not!). My personal favourite spot was the "cleavage hoodie" - take a normal hoodie, make a cut down from where the hood join and turn it into a V-neck. For best effect wear with hood back. Unfortunately the one I saw turned the V-neck into a plunging-V and just showed more of what she didnt have, then tried to marry it with the round glasses and "council-facelift" hair tied back of the librarian look. Poor girl. Like Berlin Dresden is an "alternative" sort of town - an interesting mix of people adjusting to capitalism and commercial pressure while embracing the freedom to express themselves however they like.
We began drinking at the hostel bar but it wasnt very exciting especially with mullets and leather pants at the next table. So we went in search of elsewhere - Perth nostalgia got the better of Joerg and I and we had a few in Little Creatures Dresden - the temperature gauge is the temperature inside! (for non-Perthites Little Creatures is a microbrewery in WA which produces excellent beer. Excitingly you can drink this onsite straight from the keg. Even more excitingly it is next to the water at Fishing Boat Harbour with a fantastic view. When you thought it couldnt get any better they cook very good, and very interesting, food to accompany aforementioned excellent beer).
Seeing as sex-bread was 2euros in Zittau, sex for 3euros is a bargain. Still not sure who paid who out of these two ;)
Eventually we called it a night, Joerg and I went back to the hostel to find everyone still up at 2am - a relief for me as I had to tell my new dormies I would be waking them up at 5am to get to my train. Two struck my attention as they seemed to have got very close - if the snogging in front of us didnt give it away it was conversation like "Wheres the white wine I was drinking earlier" "Here it is" "Oh you're my MacGyver". Undying love through 80s action shows. She found out he'd never had a martini and they both headed to the kitchen to rectify this. About 3.30am they came back..... you can guess what happens next. In hostelling across the world I have never had couples having sex across the dorm from me before but I tell you what I have also never taken such joy in waking a dorm up ridiculously early.
To add to our joy Joerg and I had to scrape snow/ice off his car (well he scraped - I need to be passed out on that SWP!) before trying to make a train which I then delayed by hanging half out to scrawl on sista P's postcard. At Berlin we ended up spending 2 hours on the tarmac while the runway and plane was de-iced, and re-de-iced (snow isn't just pretty!). I knew where I was going with the "Got your boarding pass? Nice one guv" from the hostie. We also had 15 minutes in Luton while we waited for the buses to get over to the terminus (they seemed surprised a plane had landed). To complete the set this announcement came over the train "Ladies and Gentleman, this is your train manager. Im not sure why we're stopped so Im waiting for the driver to get back to me however as soon as he does I'll get back to you about whats happening". Thank heavens for the Tube.....
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