Sunday, June 11, 2006

Things I do for work

As you drop down from the ring of mountains into the town Fundao you understand why its named the bottom of the cup. Stone houses, stone walls and medieval castles have replaced the whitewashed walls of the Alentejo as we've driven from fields into the mountains, valleys, pine trees and orchards of the north.

Its my first time in the north but we’re late and theres been no time to explore. Instead I just get tempted by the passing attractions - as we past one turn-off: “Down there is a village still surrounded by a Roman wall, with a Roman road in the middle and a Roman milestone. The church has a Roman door, an Early Christian door and a later door”. Indanha-a-Velha for those salivating at the prospect. Through another town we drive up to the town walls and sneak a peek through to the almost entirely preserved medieval town, like looking through a window into history. I almost expect a horse and carriage to come rattling through the gate.

Some things in the north are lacking – over dinner the house wine is not up to Alentejo standard. “In the Alentejo the majority of the wine is good. In the Douro most of it is bad, unless you find a good brand or pay a lot of money.” I start feeling a little parochial, even a little angry, at coming into a new place and being served sub-standard wine. I realise at the same time how spoilt I am, the wine is actually very drinkable. And there are benefits to being in the north in summer – its cherry season and they are grown around Fundao. So dessert was a soupbowl full of cherries on ice.

It’s also the season for summer music festivals. The best bit is that you dont actually have to go as most are telecast live. While work dinner saved me choosing whether to make the drive to see Franz Ferdinand & Keane this week I spent last Saturday night watching Kasabian and Red Hot Chilli Peppers live from Rock in Rio. Instead of waiting for Sting to play the following night I switched over to Rock Am Ring and wasn't surprised to see Depeche Mode on stage - I still laugh at the memory of their CD being on continous play in a pub in Dresden.

All I ever wanted, All I ever needed,
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
- "Enjoy the Silence", Depeche Mode

And of course its World Cup - not a season, more a fever. There are Portuguese flags everywhere, a trend started for Euro2004 when the coach told the country to put the flag in their window. Unfortunately since that was in Portugal and the Cup is in Germany the effect might not be as inspirational for the players this time. In a “wow I’m in Europe” moment I have the choice of watching French, German or Portuguese coverage (although for those studying media Portugal has followed the Australian model with one game a day on to free to air, the rest on cable). The combination should make sure I don’t miss a game – although ironically the Socceroos-Japan game doesn’t seem to be covered by anyone. The lady serving me dinner last night thought the concept of Japan running rings around the legs of the Aussies hilarious, I'm just hoping that isnt foresight.

She knew full well who Australians were though. On hearing I was Aussie she ran into the kitchen and pulled out a photo of her with two girls. "They came in at 2 in the afternoon, all they wanted was soup and red wine. Nothing else to drink. Porrrrrrr." Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.


Unknown said...

I watched the game drinking Asahi at Minatos, *thinking* Japan would win, but hoping otherwise. That first goal by Japan was a joke. Their goalie put up some great defence though. Most importantly, we came through in the end.

Bill said...
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Bill said...

Absolutely stoked we won it, the Socceroos are looked at with new-found respect here. But you would mention the ideal place to watch the game - jealous!! Especially of Asahi.
I didnt actually see it, it was starting as we finished dinner so internet commentary only. Whats worse is they've now blocked M6 and RTL during the games so Im limited to one game a day. Someone read my post :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill

Not sure if this will land but wanted to say how much I've been enjoying your stories.Keep up the good work. One good thing about the soccer is it dilutes the potential to give any publicity to the Bommbers season that they had to have. Best wishes Den (Uncle)