Diners club
I never realised that I'm a member of a secret gastronomic society. But this afternoon my fieldy sneaked into my office and invited me to dinner tonight. The reason for the secrecy? Well they hadn't shot enough of *animal* to feed all. And I got a golden ticket. Just knock on the door of our mate's cafe at 7 and you'll be let in. By my count we were feeding 7.5 this time versus 13.5 last time (the kid is under 16 and doesn't eat like he wants to grow up big and heading for a heart attack. So he's only a half). For those who wonder what my role involves well tonight I had to give another fieldy the okay to smoke at the table. Responsibility. *animal not named to protect identity. And so you don't get too horrified what I'm eating. Animals were harmed in the making of this blog post. But I didn't know until they were served to me on a plate. Sorry.
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