Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Start point

Start. Probably the hardest thing to do. Has anyone ever started a blog well? Mostly its a combination of being unfamiliar with how to use it, what to write, and what you want to say. How do you look into the future and know what you'll be writing in 6 months time, and how will this look when compared to what youre writing then?

Everything has a start - journeys begin with a departure, even people start from a point - their birthplace or the environment they grow up in. Everything we do after that tends to be related to where we've come from and what we've done. I was going to start this when I arrived in Portugal but that would seem like I'd missed part of the story - the departure point, the journey. So the start point for me is here in Perth. The start in many ways is an ending - sitting in a quiet office in my last week working here, avoiding the next couple of hectic weeks before I move and start again.

This means I have the usual trial post to check everything works before I go away. I have no idea whether I'll write monthly, weekly or daily. I'll try to make this more than just a diary, but not so full of reflection and navel-gazing that it becomes rambling and unreadable. Promises I probably wont keep. To test the graphics heres a couple of "Pilbara moments" - some scenery from the region where I was working up (fly-in, fly-out) until last week. Talk to you next from Portugal.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bags first comment =)
Like the Pilbra moments. Look forward to the Portugal moments!