Monday, October 23, 2006

News from home

Im beginning to wonder which side Australia should be on in the war against terror (assuming that we should take a side - another debate in itself). 74 years ago our greatest racehorse was poisoned (if you believe the evidence) and our national dish has been banned (or is it just a media beat-up?). If these are our friends......

Australia's most prominent young politician has decided to retire from politics to
spend more time with family. I remember the feeling I had when she was elected that young people almost had a voice in government. Now any chance of a strong 3rd party now rests with the Greens. I wasn't going to point out that she was also one of our only women politicians, but sadly this appears to be relevant. Still a long way before a female Prime Minister it seems.

Sometimes Australia seems like a microcosm of the world. The question is what world?!

1 comment:

Bill said...

I forgot to add another landmark: WA might finally get daylight saving despite the electorate voting against it in 3 referenda. Next stop Sunday trading?!

All these changes at home - though I bet it still looks the same when I got back ;)