Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Morning chill, afternoon sun

Since some people think that smog-filled sunrises near high-rises are pretty it's only fair to point out that nothing beats the sun rising on a clear morning behind the olive trees.........except for the fact that it's about 5 degrees and the only place I felt like watching this from was inside my office next to the heater. It's been cold enough that even the cars need blankets at night:
OK I know 5 isn't that cold. Even though it dropped to -1 the other morning (and the ground was white with frost so while driving past the cork oaks I lost track of where I was and thought I was passing through snow-covered forests in Germany but then I drove over the hill back into the olive groves and there was no way I could be anywhere but Mediterranean Europe) I know some of you are living in -30 and will tell me I have it good. But as you can see below I've come from sun and beaches and waterfront bars (and girl but thats another topic) so for me it's cold here and I'm over it. Those in Perth who are sick of 40 degree days are welcome to swap.Low tide, the beach at Hermanus. The people are digging for white mussels/clams (conservationists don't stress its licensed/quota-controlled), the collie is just having fun.
Working here can be dangerous. One of the guys here couldn't come to work today because he was cooking a sausage on the grill and some fat squirted in his eye. Don't stress he's fine. But at times like this I wish I still worked for Rio and could do an incident investigation and email it to lots of people. Somebody do a hazard report for me. Please.

1 comment:

Cathy said...
