Thursday, January 11, 2007

Whats going on here?!

Umm... What?! Am back from South Africa but there's only going to be one bit of news anyone's interested in: last weekend Bry and I got engaged (and through good planning the moment was recorded for you!). There's a lot of emotion especially now we're apart again but all I'll say here is I'm very happy; I kept getting told in CT that Bry was the nicest person they knew and how lucky I was but no-one needed to tell me that! I'm going to say even less on when/where the wedding will be as we might work on being in the same country before planning that!!! but we will give everyone overseas plenty of warning. And the ring?!

Sparkles! Not bad eh?!


la glitz said...

Awww sweetie, so grown up! I am so happy for you. xxx

marykmac said...

hurray for you both! congratulations!

Unknown said...

great to hear, and it's wonderful you were able to spend the holidays together, well with the penguins too of course. They're already kitted up in their tuxedos!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bill and Bry :) Fantastic news :) big hugs xxx Cathy