Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A day in the life?!

5.30am. Sms from my boss "Why don't you come up to London today". Pack. Phone Bry. Frantically print out plans in office. Airport. Plane. Heathrow. Train. Hotel bar, meeting with boss. Pub. Dinner, meeting with new boss. Hotel room. Sleep. Heathrow Express. Plane again. Lisbon. Office. Million and one things to do. Why am I so tired?

I think I was in London Monday night, I really could've been anywhere but I did see Marble Arch at the end of a street. I rang a mate almost to prove I was in another country, I don't think I expected him to head up for a beer or wanted to head out for another beer but calling just made the trip seem more normal. He's in Ikea buying shelves, baby due in 3 days. Proof "normal" is different?! (Best of luck Marty and Jo by the way!)

Oh and watch out if I choose which pubs we drink in. In saying "That's a pub, want to see what it's like?" I managed to pick one of the most famous gay bars for a pre-dinner drink with my not-very-tolerant boss. Previous successes with that sentence have included a strip club and a bar so full of damp you can almost eat the spores you're breathing in. Go me.

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