Wednesday, March 07, 2007

This weeks recipe

Massa do Cherne:

  • 1 medium-sized fish/couple of fillets
  • 6-8 prawns (can use other shellfish like clams)
  • 1 can peeled/chopped tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • couple of cloves of garlic (don't hold back)
  • handful of coriander
  • bay leaf, cracked black pepper, chillies (either real ones or flakes/powder/sauce)
  • 150-200g of pasta (approx- couple of handfuls per person). The pasta used here is C-shaped and tubular, about 1cm long, but any small shaped/tubular pasta will do.
  1. Boil fish in salted water. Remove the fish and flake/cube. Reserve the water
  2. Fry diced onions, garlic and coriander in olive oil
  3. When golden add in the tomatoes. Let them fry for a couple of minutes and reduce the heat a little before adding spices - cracked pepper, bay leaf, chilli powder/sauce to taste (if using real chillies add them before the tomatoes).
  4. Leave for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, then fold the fish pieces through the sauce
  5. After a couple of minutes when the pieces are coated in the tomato sauce add enough cooking water to cover everything (and some extra to allow for the pasta) then bring up to a simmer.
  6. Add in the pasta and stir well. Add more water if needed
  7. Place the prawns on top so they're half-submerged. Cover and leave to simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until the pasta is cooked.
  8. If the dish starts to become dry add more water. It should end up pretty sloppy like a laksa or other noodle soup.

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